Liquit Release & Patch Management
  • 12 Oct 2023
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Liquit Release & Patch Management

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Article summary

Liquit Release & Patch Management add-on makes the process of configuring, deploying and updating applications fast and easy. IT teams will find themselves with more bandwidth thanks to a significant reduction in time spent on these otherwise tedious tasks.


The following features are provided with the Release & Patch Management add-on license:


The Liquit Release & Patch Management has three components:

Liquit Setup Store

The Liquit Setup Store is a catalogue of thousands of free available Windows application setups and patches.
The Liquit Setup Store is available as a connector when using Liquit Release & Patch Management. But is also available in Liquit Setup Commander when using the MDT, ConfigMgr, Ivanti EPM or ZENworks connector. See How to receive e-mail notifications for new updates and automatically update your managed packages (Blog) for more information.

Liquit Setup Store Notification System

Through the Liquit Setup Store Notification System we send E-mails with information like release notes, patches, CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) or VirusTotal score for the applications which you imported from the Liquit Setup Store into your Workspace environment.

Liquit Setup Commander

Liquit Setup Commander enables you to prepare your own in-house applications, applications which need to be purchased or any application which can’t be provided through the Liquit Setup Store for deployment.

This documentation section is intended for

Administrators who are responsible for the preliminary setup and for running of Liquit Release & Patch Management. They should also have a good understanding of patching strategies, patch classifications, software update deployment workflows and endpoint security vulnerability.

What you will find in this documentation section

  • How to create Liquit Workspace applications for various third-party applications (present in the Setup Store or not)
  • The applications configuration wizards
  • Recommendations and important information about the third-party applications

Note that the content of this documentation is based on the latest available version of Liquit Workspace.

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