User Collections

Organize users within a network based on your own criteria, configure and deliver packages simultaneously for multiple users across a network.

User collections can be accessed from Manage > Identities.

Keep in mind that only users of devices running a Liquit Universal Agent/ Liquit Workspace Agent can be added to a collection.

The Type of a collection (Dynamic, Static) cannot be changed after creation.

User collections table

Two types of yser collections are available:

The only built-in user collection is the Everyone.

Table toolbar

To create a new user collection, click on the enlarge Create button; to view the details of a user collection or edit it, double-click its entry or select the collection and click the edit1x Edit button.

To create a personalized view of the list click on the views.png Views button in the user collections table toolbar.
The default view contains all your user collections in alphabetic ascending order, and only a few columns: Name, Type, and Built-in.
You can create your own personalized view of the table, by filtering the collections or adding/deleting columns and clicking Save as in the drop-down menu of views.png Views.