  • 17 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Displays a list of all devicec that have been connected to your Liquit Workspace. Currently, to register a device, it needs to have an Agent running on it.

You can assign packages and deployments to defined devices, and also view users who currently logged in on a device.

To view the details of a device or edit it, double-click its entry.

See below the description of each screen in the detailed view of a device, and what actions you can perform in each of them.

Overview screen

The overview screen provides basic information of the device currently opened.

MAC address - The media access control (MAC) address, assigned to each host's Network Interface Card (NIC), facilitates the identification and location of individual workstations within an Ethernet network by uniquely identifying each device. It can be helpful when troubleshooting network issues with the device.
Last logged on - The last known user that have been logged in on the device
Architecture - Processor architecture of the OS (x86, x64, ARM64)
Last contact - The last time the device had contact with the Liquit Workspace Sever

Events screen

Displays all events that are associated with the current device.

The Identity column represents the user that triggered the event.

Logged on screen

Displays a list of users and devices currently hosted or logged on.

This feature can be helpful when providing remote support.

Memberships screen

Displays a list with all device collections the current device is member of.
To add the device to a collection, simply start typing in the lookup field for the desired collection and select it from the results lists. Or select the browse button browse-icon-1x.png at the right of the lookup field to open the Device collection dialog box to view all the collections available.

To view the details of a device collection or edit it, double-click its entry.

Packages screen

View a list of all packages currently assigned, assign new or remove existing ones.
To view the details of a package or edit it, double click its entry.
To add a package, simply start typing in the lookup field for the desired package and select it from the results lists. Or select the browse button browse-icon-1x.png at the right of the lookup field to open the Package dialog box to view all the packages available. When assigning the package, you will be prompted to choose between different stages that should be published to the user (Development, Test, Acceptance or Production).
Note that you can override an entitlement for a package, via Context, Device collections, Groups, or user-level and the lowest stage will take priority. The lowest stage is Development and the highest stage is Production.


  • User1 is directly entitled for PackageA in Production stage.
  • User1 is also part of a device collection that has PackageA assigned with Test stage.

In this scenario, the Test stage version of the package will be deployed to the user, as it is of a lower priority.


To see all the entitlements for a package, go to Manage > Workspace > Packages > Entitlements

For more information about publishing options and events, see Packages.

Deployments screen

View a list of all deployments currently assigned to the device, assign new or remove existing ones.
To view the details of a deployment or edit it, double-click its entry.
To add a deployment, simply start typing in the lookup field for the desired deployment and select it from the results lists. Or select the browse button browse-icon-1x.png at the right of the lookup field to open the Deployment dialog box to view all the deployments available.
You will be prompted to select the publishing stage.


A device will inherit all the deployments from all the collections to which the device belongs. The Inherited column shows if a deployment is inherited or not from a device collection.

For more information, see Deployments.

Auditing screen

View a comprehensive log of changes to this device, displaying the identity behind each modification.
This screen is available only if the auditing is enabled in the Database Event Collector. For more information, see Auditing.

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