  • 17 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Below is a complete list of all possible package filter types and their friendly name as listed within the Liquit Workspace.

Agent availableagent
Agent deployment modeagentdeployment
Agent offline modeagentoffline
Agent typeagenttype
Agent versionagentversion
Browser existsbrowserexists
Condition Setconditionset
Device FQDNdevicefqdn
Device namedevicename
Directory existsdirexists
Environment variable existsenvvarexists
Environment variable valueenvvarvalue
File existsfileexists
File sizefilesize
File versionfileversion
Free disk spacediskfreespace
Mac App installedmacappinstalled
Mac App installed versionmacappinstalledversion
MSI installedmsiinstalled
MSI installed versionmsiinstalledversion
Network pingnetworkping
Package availablepackageavailable
Package distributedpackagedistributed
Package installedpackageinstalled
Path existspathexists
Platform architectureplatformarch
Platform languageplatformlanguage
Platform user languagecurrentlanguage
Platform versionplatformversion
Printer existsprinterexists
Process existsprocessexists
System manufacturerregkeyexists
System modelregvalue
Registry key existsregvalueexists
Registry valuescriptstart
Registry value existscontentscript
Run scriptserviceexists
Run uploaded scriptservicestate
Service existssystemmanufacturer
Service statesystemmodel
URL scheme existsurlschemeexists
Variable existsvarexists
Variable valuevarvalue
Windows App installedwinappinstalled
Windows App installed versionwinappinstalledversion
Windows App stagedwinappstaged
Windows App staged versionwinappstagedversion
WMI querywmiquery
WMI query countwmiquerycount

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