Uninstall Mac App

The Uninstall Mac App action allows you to remove a Mac App from the current users or all users on devices.

Type Uninstall Mac App

Actions are easier to comprehend and manage over time when they have a suitable name that accurately expresses what they do.

Bundle Name The name of the bundle, e.g. the part in the directory name before ".app". For example, for the Liquit Universal Agent for Mac ("Liquit.app"), it will be "Liquit".
Bundle identifier Optional, when provided the agent will try to find remains of the application also by bundle identifier next to the bundle name. The bundle identifier as specified in the Info.plist under the key "CFBundleIdentifier". For example, for the Liquit Universal Agent for Mac, it will be "com.liquit.Agent".
Context The level at which the action is executed, User or Device.
Additional bundle names A comma separated list of additional bundle names that need to be looked for while removing the application.
Additional bundle identifiers A comma separated list of additional bundle identifiers that need to be looked for while removing the application.

Here you can define conditions which determine if the action will be executed. For more information, see Filters.


It requires the Agent to be running.

Supported platforms

Platform Supported
Web No
Windows No
macOS Yes