  • 17 Jun 2024
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Article summary

This section provides a quick view of all the filters that can be used while creating a package.

Filter nameDescriptionRunning Agent mandatory on device?OS
Agent availableFilters by presence/absence of the Agent running on devices.Available for devices with/without an AgentWeb/Windows/macOS
Agent deployment modeFilters by deployment mode of the Agent running on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Agent offline modeFilters by offline mode of the Agent running on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Agent typeFilters by selected Agent type: Universal Agent or Workspace Agent.YesWindows/macOS
Agent versionFilters by version of the running Agent on the device, according to inserted string and operator.YesWindows/macOS
Browser existsFilters by presence/absence of a browser on devices.YesWindows/macOS
Condition SetFilters by selected condition set.Available for devices with/without an AgentWeb/Windows/macOS
ContextFilters by Device membership of selected context, and the priority of the context.YesWeb/Windows/macOS
Device FQDN(Device Fully Qualified Domain Name) Filters by domain names/device names according to inserted string and operator.YesWindows/macOS
Device nameFilters by name of devices according to inserted string and operator.YesWindows/macOS
Directory existsFilters by presence/absence of a specified directory on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Environment variable existsFilters by presence/absence of a specified operating system environment variable on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Environment variable valueFilters by the value of a certain operating system environment variable.YesWindows/macOS
File existsFilters by presence/absence of a specified file on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
File sizeFilters by specified size of a certain file present on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
File versionFilters by specified version of a certain file present on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Free disk spaceFilters by availability of free space on the specified disk of Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Mac App installed versionFilters by specified version of a certain Mac application installed on Devices.YesmacOS
Mac App installedFilters by presence/absence of a Mac application on Devices.YesmacOS
MSI installed versionFilters by specified version of a certain MSI installed on Devices.YesWindows
MSI installedFilters by presence/absence of an MSI on Devices.YesWindows
Network pingFilters by reachability of a hostname or network address on an Internet Protocol network.YesWindows/macOS
Package availableFilters by the availability of a release of a selected package.YesWeb/Windows/macOS
Package distributedFilters according to whether the selected package was distributed or not on devices, and if the latest or previous releases were distributed.YesWindows/macOS
Package installedFilters according to whether the selected package was installed or not on devices, and if the latest or previous releases were installed.YesWindows/macOS
Path existsFilters by presence/absence of a path (file or directory) on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Platform architectureFilters by selected architecture of Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Platform languageFilters based on the system locale of Devices. Example of format: en-US.YesWindows/macOS
Platform user languageFilters the users of Devices based on the display language of their platform session.YesWeb/Windows/macOS
Platform versionFilters by selected OS version and operator.YesWindows/macOS
PlatformFilters by selected OS of devices.Available for devices with/without an AgentWeb/Windows/macOS
Printer existsFilters by presence/absence of a printer installed/present on the network.YesWindows/macOS
Process existsFilters by presence/absence of a process on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Registry key existsFilters by presence/absence of a registry key on Devices.YesWindows
Registry value existsFilters by presence/absence of a registry key value on Devices.YesWindows
Registry valueFilters by the value of a certain registry key present on devices.YesWindows
Run scriptCheck if devices fulfil the right conditions to install/launch applications or actions.Windows/macOS
Run uploaded scriptCheck if devices fulfil the right conditions to install/launch applications or actions, by typing in the script that will be executed.YesWindows/macOS
Service existsFilters by presence/absence of a certain OS service.YesWindows/macOS
Service stateFilters by state of a certain OS service.YesWindows/macOS
System manufacturerFilters by manufacturer of devices according to inserted string and operator.YesWindows/macOS
System modelFilters by system model of devices according to inserted string and operator.YesWindows/macOS
URL scheme existsFilters by presence/absence of a URL scheme on Devices.YesWindows/macOS
Variable existsFilters by presence/absence of a certain variable within the Liquit environment.Available for devices with/without an AgentWeb/Windows/macOS
Variable valueFilters by the value of a certain variable within the Liquit environment.Available for devices with/without an AgentWeb/Windows/macOS
Windows App installed versionFilters by specified version of a certain Windows application installed on Devices.YesWindows
Windows App installedFilters according to whether or not a Windows App is installed on Devices.YesWindows
Windows App staged versionFilters by specified version of a certain Windows application staged on Devices.YesWindows
Windows App stagedFilters according to whether or not a Windows App is staged on Devices.YesWindows
WMI query countFilters by the number of expected results of a WMI query you run on Devices.YesWindows
WMI queryFilters by a WMI query you run on Devices.YesWindows

In case of filters where you must specify strings keep in mind the following:

  • Operators are not case-sensitive except for the Platform language and Platform User Language filters. For this filter you must insert the language ISO code (ISO-639) followed by a hyphen (-) followed by the country ISO code (ISO-3166). E.g. en-US, de-DE or fr-FR.
  • You can perform partial matching.

You can quickly the see if a filter is available for Web or a certain OS with the help of the icons on the right side of any filter type.


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