Interface: welcome dialog box, sections and icons
  • 23 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Interface: welcome dialog box, sections and icons

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Article summary

Welcome to your new Workspace dialog box

First time when you login to your workspace, you will be welcomed by this dialog box.


Workspace, Contacts and Catalog buttons will redirect you to the corresponding Liquit documentation article.
The Download Agent will download the Liquit Universal Agent to your device.

Main sections of the interface


1 - Logo

Redirects you to the Workspace tab, regardless of where you are.

2 - Tabs - Workspace, Contacts and Catalog

These tabs allow you to access different features. For more information, see Workspace, Contacts or Catalog.

3 - User Menu

The first option in this menu is the User Portal where you can set up different preferences like interface personalization, the behaviour of the apps and Side Menu, create and edit teams, or see your user and device information.
Download Agent downloads the Liquit Universal Agent corresponding with the Liquit Workspace Server. This button is not available in Liquit Launcher.
Introduction opens the Welcome to your new Workspace dialog box.
About opens a dialog box displaying the version of the Liquit Workspace Server and Liquit Universal Agent.
Log out logs you out of the current session.

4 - Toolbar

sidemenu.pngToggles the Side Menu, between displayed or hidden.
sort-asc.pngToggles the sort order of the applications. If it is enabled, the apps will be sorted alphabetically, in ascending order. If it is disabled, you can rearrange them in the order you desire; Liquit will remember the new order, so next time you toggle to disabled, the last configured order will be displayed.
refresh.pngRefreshes the workspace to show the latest available applications.
search for icon2.jpgThe search bar allows you to easily search in Workspace, Contacts and Catalog.
zoom icon.pngChanges the size of the icons, zooming out (-) or zooming in (+).

5 - Side Menu

Contains filters, categories, tags and teams to easily access applications.

Other important icons of the interface

Mandatory field
Edit column settings icon.pngEdit Column Settings in grids
Up arrow table icon.png down arrow table icon.pngOrder ascending/descending in grids

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