  • 28 Nov 2022
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Article summary

This version is no longer supported, please upgrade to the latest version

Support lifecycle for the Liquit Workspace product is available here.



  • Improved url validation for satellite zone pairing.
  • iPadOS isn't detected correctly.



  • Identity Source Azure AD doesn't support nested groups with contact filtering.
  • Identity Sources could lose contact group filter setting after changing contact attributes.
  • Packages could auto launch when user set before disabling auto launch on the package.


  • WVD connector now uses the new rdpw file extension.
  • SAML Identity Provider sets time restrictions to the conditions within a SAML reponse.



  • Repair option is unavailable when install action set was added after a launch action set.
  • Unable to open an assigned package from a license in the management interface.



  • Improved network error handling for Azure Blob Storage.



  • Invalid characters in filenames voor desktop and startmenu icons are not filtered.



  • Column filtering does not work on the resource view of the Setup Store connector.
  • Deployment window is shown again after deployment if canceling is disabled.



  • After renaming virtual host of a zone, the old virtual host stays reachable until a restart.
  • Credential template domain prefix is ignored for the first time when using the agent.



  • Azure AD identity source can cause Liquit service crash when Azure AD is not functional.



  • Added support for third-party integrations with the REST API.
  • Improve offline mode detection for the agent.


  • Unable to search text with the & character in grids.
  • Duplicate events can be uploaded if multiple refreshes of the agent is started simultaneously.
  • Platform filter within Contexts doesn't work when an agent isn't running.



  • Internal Server Error when accessing the Setup Store connector using a stale zone license.
  • Missing title translations for IDP errors.



  • Satellite server doesn't always use the latest connector settings until a restart of the Satellite service.
  • File browser when the agent is running could set the value to '[object object]' when agent returns an error.
  • Removing a package from the package overview, resets the search results.



  • Removing a local storage override on a server will not properly show the Azure blob settings until re-opening the page.
  • Adding an extra Liquit Workspace server could temporarly show a higher total content count compared to existing Liquit Workspace servers.



  • Introduction screen "Contacts" and "Catalog" links point to the wrong section.
  • Wrong synchronization menu is displayed on the SCCM connector from the list view.
  • Unable to add user to a SCCM unscoped list.
  • Login button doesn't work on satellite server.
  • OAuth redirect url is not valid when using a non default port.
  • Setup Store connector sometimes gives timeout error when adding/updating multiple packages.



  • Copying packages can result in double escaped special characters in package name.
  • Javascript error can occur while switching between pages quickly.
  • System Updates install option is visible on dashboard while the user does not have permissions.
  • Action Open URL can open a pop-up instead of a new browser tab with Internet Explorer 11.



  • Identity source LDAP can report 'No servers configured' when all configured servers are marked bad.
  • Unable to pair a satellite server with a zone that has CORS security enabled.
  • The load balancer health check page can take too long when using Azure blob storage.



  • Deployment package filters could show 'Unknown' references to contexts.



  • Stop process action can report errors on processes that are already closed.
  • Load Balancer check (/api/server/status) fails when Azure Blob storage with SAS authentication is used.



  • A corrupt managed desktop icon causes the native icon feature to stop working.



  • Pop-up blocker detection reports false positives for web auto launches.



  • RDS connector could fail with the message "Provider load failure".
  • Uploaded script didn't support UTF-8.
  • The sorting in stored views were not correct.
  • A JavaScript error could occur when using the copy text button.
  • New connectors that are accessed through a satellite server could return an empty resource list.



  • An expired session could trigger a javascript warning.
  • Agent registration doesn't work properly for users without a workspace.



  • Following languages has been added to the Setup Store Connector:
    • Chinese (Traditional)
    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Turkish
    • Norwegian
    • Danish
    • Japanese



  • Added support for upcoming august 2020 update for Microsoft WVD.



  • Search results in contacts could trigger a JavaScript error.



  • Timeout issues on creating or updating multiple resources from a connector.
  • Deployment progress bar does not correctly show installation progress.
  • JavaScript error in the Launcher when trying to select a file within a Personal Package or action.


This update for Liquit Workspace focuses on hardening security. We have enhanced the following components:

  • Multiple security enhancements after external audit.



  • Improved support for upcoming changes to web browsers involving how popups are handled.


  • Windows Server 2019 is detected as Windows Server 2016.





  • User pinned Liquit icons are removed on refresh.
  • Variables defined on contexts are not working as expected.
  • RDP schema not supported in the latest version of macOS.
  • Event triggers for packages don't work on Development, Test and Acceptance stage entitlements.



  • LDAP error 82 is reported in the server log.
  • NullReferenceException is reported on Agent refresh in server log.
  • Authentication issue when configuring ARM-based WVD.



  • Support for ARM-based Windows Virtual Desktops. (Preview)
  • Improved detection of Citrix authentication screen for the enhanced integration.
  • Improved Citrix StoreFront/Netscaler integration.
  • Added synchronize Identity Source PowerShell commandlet. (Update-IdentitySource)


  • Mail notifications for tasks are still being sent for a disabled zone.
  • Columns can be unavailable when using a permalink on connector resources.
  • Webserver can crash on a specialized malformed URL.
  • Error prompt "An unknown error has occurred" could occur when viewing permissions from a user or group.
  • When enabling and/or disabling an action within a package, will not trigger a new version within the UI.
  • OWA settings are not working when opened from the Liquit Workspace.



  • Prevent variable names to start with a '$'-sign.
  • CSP could prevent EULA from being visible.
  • User defined filter in side is ignored in specific cases.
  • Filters on grids could return invalid results in specific cases.



  • Added support for OAuth2 token-exchange authentication.


  • Variables defined on packages aren't working when launching a package without an agent running.
  • A maximum of 100 group memberships are shown on a Azure AD group in the management interface.
  • Tasks are not translated in spanish.



  • Added Spanish language support.


  • Improve agent offline detection.
  • IE11 shows script error when DOM storage is disabled.
  • Unable to read/change Filter Sets on Action Sets with the PowerShell module.
  • Missing Managed property on package entitlements within PowerShell module.
  • Missing AutoLaunchable property on packages within PowerShell module.
  • Extra empty window is shown when Liquit Launcher runs as shell replacement.



  • Issue that causes offline mode to not function correctly.
  • Uploading a package icon could cause an incorrect mime type to be served which causes issues for IE11 and the Liquit Launcher.



  • Added agent configuration options to redirect Cache and Temp paths.


  • Liquit variables defined within a package aren't used.
  • Packages are still pre-distributed if offline mode is disabled within the Agent configuration.
  • Server doesn't set SameSite attribute correctly for cookies.
  • Uninstall Windows App action doesn't work in user context when a family name is specified.



  • Improved login performance when Identity Source is not synchronized.


  • Login screen unavailable when federated authentication is configured and ?sso=0 URL parameter is used.
  • Portal integrations hangs on the authorization endpoint in IE 11.
  • Searchbar autocomplete keeps showing in latest version of Google Chrome.
  • Overriding login background image in context doesn't work.
  • Liquit Logon event is not triggered when running 3.4 and lower agents with the Liquit Launcher enabled.


Windows App support

Liquit Workspace supports managing and starting Windows Apps. Windows Apps can be deployed by using .appx, appxbundle, .msix or .msixbundle files.

Additional actions have been added to support Windows Apps:

  • Install Windows App
  • Register Windows App
  • Uninstall Windows App
  • Install uploaded Windows App
  • Start Windows App

Additional filters have been added to support Windows Apps:

  • Windows App installed
  • Windows App installed version
  • Windows App staged
  • Windows App staged version

Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) connector is out of preview

The WVD connector is out of preview, several enhancements have been made to make sure you get the most out of WVD.

  • Install the right remote desktop client, you can do this right out of the Liquit Setup Store to make sure the client is always up-to-date without the need to patch your end points.
  • Seamless SSO experience has been added to the WVD connector, eliminate the need for end users to remember credentials cross devices.

System Center Configuration Manager Push Connector (Preview)

Only available with Liquit Release & Patch Management license.

  • Publish Setup Store packages to System Center Configuration Manager.
  • Support for the Liquit Satellite Server.

Recycle bin for Packages

  • Deleted packages are moved to the recycle bin.
  • Packages can be restored from the recycle bin or removed permanently.
  • Packages in the recycle bin are automatically removed after 30 days.

Azure Blob Storage support for uploaded content

  • Azure Blob Storage can be used to store all uploaded content. This allows for proper sharing of content files among Liquit servers.
  • Support for Shared Key (SK) and Shared Authentication Signature (SAS) authentication.
  • Configurable Tier to use after content has been uploaded. (Hot/Cool).
  • Can be configured globally and per server.

Connector Synchronization Profile

  • Synchronization profile allows you to configure which fields within a package can be updated.
  • Override values for properties for packages that are synchronized by the connector.

Liquit Setup Store

  • Display Knowledge Base article and info links if available for a setup.
  • Added more columns to the Setup Store list.
  • Optional filters on install action set to detect if a setup is already installed.
  • Performance improvements for update check.

Scheduled Tasks

  • A dedicated server can be configured for running a specific scheduled task.
  • Option to disable manually starting a scheduled task.
  • Added option to configure the behavior of the scheduled task when the task is still running.
  • New configurable “Clean packages” scheduled task allows you to remove old snapshots or delete packages in the “Recycle bin”.

Other notable changes

  • Option to disable users being able to set the "Auto launch" option on specific packages.
  • Configure default publish option when adding a package entitlement.
  • Added repair action set to packages, which allows you to control custom actions that can be executed when the user clicks on the repair option.
  • Context has a device tab that shows which devices can belong to the context (based on device related filters).
  • Added a user option to remember the last selected filter on the workspace.
  • System Updates hides all superseded updates.
  • Default tile color is now configurable when package doesn't belong to a tag.
  • Added content tab on a zone, which shows how much content is used within the zone.
  • Background task are now picked up immediately for faster response times.
  • Agents automatically hides Launcher when a logged-on user has no workspace permissions.
  • Option that allows you to disable sending mails as the logged-on user for catalog approval and report problem feature.
  • Improved search engine within the management interface
  • Create permalinks within the management interface that opens the selected page.
  • Entitlements for managed packages can be added on top of the managed entitlements.
  • Allow custom access policies for system level permissions.
  • Option to configure install package dependency for Citrix and RDS connectors, which allows you to deploy Citrix or Remote App software when the user first clicks on a Citrix or RDS package.

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