Prompt user

The Prompt user action allows you to display a message or question to users.

Type Prompt user

Actions are easier to comprehend and manage over time when they have a suitable name that accurately expresses what they do.

Message Type the message or question you want to display.
Icon Select the pictogram to be displayed in the message dialog box:
  • Default faq.png
  • Information about.png
  • Question faq.png
  • Warning event-failure.png
  • Error event-failure.png
  • OK
  • OK / Cancel
  • Yes / No
Cancel/No Action Choose what happens when the user clicks No, Cancel or closes the message dialog box:
  • Error - display an error message.
  • Skip action set - skip the current action set to which this Prompt user action belongs.
  • Skip action sets - skip all action sets of the same type as the one to which this Prompt user action belongs.
  • Skip package - stop processing the current package without an error.
Wait for input If this option is selected, Liquit will wait for the user to close the message prompt before continuing with the next action. Otherwise, it will continue to execute in the background, regardless if the user responds. This option can be changed only for the OK button option.
Place user input in variable The temporary variable to which the user's inputed text is stored.
Place choice result in variable The temporary variable to which the user's choice is stored. Note that if the user clicks OK/YES the value of the variable is 0, and for NO it is 1.

Here you can define conditions which determine if the action will be executed. For more information, see Filters.

In the Edit output variable dialog box you open by clicking on the browse button browse-icon-1x of the Place user input in variable, Place choice result in variable fields, you can create new variables or change existing ones and use them to store the user's choice or inputted text. Note that the resulted variables exist only temporarily until the action is executed; they are not saved anywhere, and they are displayed only in the package you configured them. After the action is executed, the variables are discarded.

Edit output variable dialog box

Element Description
Variable New or existing variable in which you want to store information.
  • Not sensitive - The variable is logged in the log file and it is visible on Liquit Workspace UI.
  • Sensitive - The variable is not logged in the log file and it is hidded on Liquit Workspace UI.
  • Current variable sensitivity - In case of an already existing variable, it takes its already configured sensitivity.
Trim value Removes all whitespace from the front, end or both.
Append to existing value (if it exists) It appends the new variable at the end of the existing one.



It requires the Agent to be running.

Supported platforms

Platform Supported
Web No
Windows Yes
macOS Yes