Connect drive mapping

The Connect drive mapping action allows you to map a drive to easily access it from File Explorer/Finder without having to look for it or type its network address each time.

Type Connect drive mapping

Actions are easier to comprehend and manage over time when they have a suitable name that accurately expresses what they do.

Drive Specify which drive letter should be used for the mapping. This option is available only for Windows.
Path The network path; for example \\\\server\\share. This option is available for Windows and Mac.
Context The level at which the action is executed, User or Device.
Network credentials Specify which network credential set will be used for SSO purposes. The option is available only for Windows.
Persistent If selected, the drive mapping will persist after a device reboot. The option is available only for Windows.

Here you can define conditions which determine if the action will be executed. For more information, see Filters.


It requires the Agent to be running.

Supported platforms

Platform Supported
Web No
Windows Yes
macOS Yes