This section provides a quick view of all the actions that can be used while creating a package.
Filter name | Description | Running Agent mandatory on device? | OS |
Attach virtual disk | Mount a virtual hard disk in a specific (empty) folder on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Connect drive mapping | Map a drive to easily access it from File Explorer/Finder. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Connect printer | Connect a printer to devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Copy directory | Copy entire directories using a path or UNC path as a source. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Copy file(s) | Copy one or multiple files at once, using a path or UNC path as a source. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Create directory | Create a directory during the action sequences in a package. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Create registry key | Create a registry key on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Create Shortcut | Create a shortcut on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Delete directory | Delete a directory from devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Delete file(s) | Delete one or multiple files at once, using a path or UNC path as a source. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Delete printer | Delete a printer from devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Delete registry key | Delete a registry key from devices. | Yes | Windows |
Delete registry value | Delete a registry value from devices. | Yes | Windows |
Detach virtual disk | Unmount a previously mounted virtual hard disk. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Disconnect drive mapping | Disconnect a mapped drive. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Distribute package | Distribute a package through actions of another package. | Available for devices with/without an Agent | Web/Windows/macOS |
Edit INI file | Modify INI files. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Edit PList file | Modify PList files. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Edit text file | Search for a string inside a text file and replace that string or line with different data. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Import registry file | Merge a registry file with the local device registry. | Yes | Windows |
Import uploaded registry file | Merge a registry file from the Liquit content repository, with the local device registry. | Yes | Windows |
Install font | Install a font and make it available on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Install Mac App | Install a macOS application on devices. | Yes | macOS |
Install MSI | Install an MSI on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install MSP | Install an MSP on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install MSU | Install an MSU on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install package | Install a package from the actions of another package. | Available for devices with/without an Agent | Web/Windows/macOS |
Install uploaded directory | Deploy a directory from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Install uploaded file | Deploy a directory from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Install uploaded font | Install a font from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Install uploaded Mac App | Install a Mac App from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | macOS |
Install uploaded MSI | Install an MSI from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install uploaded MSP | Install an MSP from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install uploaded MSU | Install an MSU from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install uploaded Windows App | Install Windows App from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Install Windows App | Install a Windows App on devices | Yes | Windows |
Launch package | Launch a package from the actions of another package. | Available for devices with/without an Agent | Web/Windows/macOS |
Modify membership | Add or remove the currently logged-on users from a specified Identity Source group. | Available for devices with/without an Agent | Web/Windows/macOS |
Move file(s) | Move one or multiple files at once, using a path or UNC path as a source. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Open URL | Make a specific URL available to your users. | Available for devices with/without an Agent | Web/Windows/macOS |
Prompt user | Display a message or question to users. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Reboot | Perform a reboot on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Refresh agent | Perform a refresh of the Agent from devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Register Windows App | Register a staged Windows App to users on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Remote RDP | Run a remote application with your own settings. | Yes | Web/Windows/macOS |
Repair package | Repair a package from the actions of another package. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Run script | Run a script from a local directory or a network path on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Run uploaded script | Run a script from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Set default printer | Set a printer as default on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Set environment variable | Set a specific value for an operating system environment variable. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Set registry value | Set a registry value on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Set service startup type | Set the startup type of a Windows service or Launch Daemon/Agent. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Set service state | Set the state of a Windows service or Launch Daemon/Agent. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Shutdown | Shutdown devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Skip action | Trigger an error message or skip the current action set(s) or the entire package. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Start process | Execute a file on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Start Mac App | Start a Mac application installed on devices. | Yes | macOS |
Start uploaded process | Execute a file from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Start Windows App | Start a registered Windows App. | Yes | Windows |
Stop process | Stop a process running on devices. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Uninstall Mac App | Remove a Mac App from users on devices. | Yes | macOS |
Uninstall MSI | Uninstall an MSI from devices. | Yes | Windows |
Uninstall package | Uninstall a package from the actions of another package. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Uninstall Windows App | Remove a registered Windows App from users on devices. | Yes | Windows |
Unset environment variable | Clear an operating system environment variable. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
Uploaded RDP file | Run an RDP file from the Content Store on devices. | Yes | Web/Windows/macOS |
Wait | Set a delay before proceeding with the next action/action set. | Yes | Windows/macOS |
You can quickly the see if an action is available for Web or a certain OS with the help of the icons on the right side of any action type.