
This section provides a quick view of all the actions that can be used while creating a package.

Filter name Description Running Agent mandatory on device? OS
Attach virtual disk Mount a virtual hard disk in a specific (empty) folder on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Connect drive mapping Map a drive to easily access it from File Explorer/Finder. Yes Windows/macOS
Connect printer Connect a printer to devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Copy directory Copy entire directories using a path or UNC path as a source. Yes Windows/macOS
Copy file(s) Copy one or multiple files at once, using a path or UNC path as a source. Yes Windows/macOS
Create directory Create a directory during the action sequences in a package. Yes Windows/macOS
Create registry key Create a registry key on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Create Shortcut Create a shortcut on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Delete directory Delete a directory from devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Delete file(s) Delete one or multiple files at once, using a path or UNC path as a source. Yes Windows/macOS
Delete printer Delete a printer from devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Delete registry key Delete a registry key from devices. Yes Windows
Delete registry value Delete a registry value from devices. Yes Windows
Detach virtual disk Unmount a previously mounted virtual hard disk. Yes Windows/macOS
Disconnect drive mapping Disconnect a mapped drive. Yes Windows/macOS
Distribute package Distribute a package through actions of another package. Available for devices with/without an Agent Web/Windows/macOS
Edit INI file Modify INI files. Yes Windows/macOS
Edit PList file Modify PList files. Yes Windows/macOS
Edit text file Search for a string inside a text file and replace that string or line with different data. Yes Windows/macOS
Import registry file Merge a registry file with the local device registry. Yes Windows
Import uploaded registry file Merge a registry file from the Liquit content repository, with the local device registry. Yes Windows
Install font Install a font and make it available on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Install Mac App Install a macOS application on devices. Yes macOS
Install MSI Install an MSI on devices. Yes Windows
Install MSP Install an MSP on devices. Yes Windows
Install MSU Install an MSU on devices. Yes Windows
Install package Install a package from the actions of another package. Available for devices with/without an Agent Web/Windows/macOS
Install uploaded directory Deploy a directory from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Install uploaded file Deploy a directory from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Install uploaded font Install a font from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Install uploaded Mac App Install a Mac App from the Content Store on devices. Yes macOS
Install uploaded MSI Install an MSI from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows
Install uploaded MSP Install an MSP from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows
Install uploaded MSU Install an MSU from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows
Install uploaded Windows App Install Windows App from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows
Install Windows App Install a Windows App on devices Yes Windows
Launch package Launch a package from the actions of another package. Available for devices with/without an Agent Web/Windows/macOS
Modify membership Add or remove the currently logged-on users from a specified Identity Source group. Available for devices with/without an Agent Web/Windows/macOS
Move file(s) Move one or multiple files at once, using a path or UNC path as a source. Yes Windows/macOS
Open URL Make a specific URL available to your users. Available for devices with/without an Agent Web/Windows/macOS
Prompt user Display a message or question to users. Yes Windows/macOS
Reboot Perform a reboot on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Refresh agent Perform a refresh of the Agent from devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Register Windows App Register a staged Windows App to users on devices. Yes Windows
Remote RDP Run a remote application with your own settings. Yes Web/Windows/macOS
Repair package Repair a package from the actions of another package. Yes Windows/macOS
Run script Run a script from a local directory or a network path on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Run uploaded script Run a script from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Set default printer Set a printer as default on devices. Yes Windows
Set environment variable Set a specific value for an operating system environment variable. Yes Windows/macOS
Set registry value Set a registry value on devices. Yes Windows
Set service startup type Set the startup type of a Windows service or Launch Daemon/Agent. Yes Windows/macOS
Set service state Set the state of a Windows service or Launch Daemon/Agent. Yes Windows/macOS
Shutdown Shutdown devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Skip action Trigger an error message or skip the current action set(s) or the entire package. Yes Windows/macOS
Start process Execute a file on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Start Mac App Start a Mac application installed on devices. Yes macOS
Start uploaded process Execute a file from the Content Store on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Start Windows App Start a registered Windows App. Yes Windows
Stop process Stop a process running on devices. Yes Windows/macOS
Uninstall Mac App Remove a Mac App from users on devices. Yes macOS
Uninstall MSI Uninstall an MSI from devices. Yes Windows
Uninstall package Uninstall a package from the actions of another package. Yes Windows/macOS
Uninstall Windows App Remove a registered Windows App from users on devices. Yes Windows
Unset environment variable Clear an operating system environment variable. Yes Windows/macOS
Uploaded RDP file Run an RDP file from the Content Store on devices. Yes Web/Windows/macOS
Wait Set a delay before proceeding with the next action/action set. Yes Windows/macOS

You can quickly the see if an action is available for Web or a certain OS with the help of the icons on the right side of any action type.
