  • 17 Jun 2024
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Article summary

Categories help you establish a more granular organization of the packages you deploy to users.
In order for a category to be displayed on the user's device, you must first assign the packages within the category to that user. Moreover, based on the way you set up a package, the category is displayed in Workspace tab, Catalog tab or both.
To view which categories does an app belong to, go to Manage > Workspace > Packages > open the app you need and go to Catalog > Categories.

Overview screen

Displays the same information as in the Create category dialog box you used when you created the category, as well as the Description field which allows you to write a relevant summary of the category.

Entities screen

View a list of all packages and certificates currently assigned, assign new or remove existing ones.
To view the details of an entity or edit it, double click its entry.
To add an entity, simply start typing in the lookup field for the desired entity and select it from the results lists.

For more information see Packages and Certificates.

Auditing screen

View a comprehensive log of changes to this category, displaying the identity behind each modification.
This screen is available only if the auditing is enabled in the Database Event Collector. For more information, see Auditing.

How to create a category and assign packages to it

Before creating a category, make sure the desired packages are created.

  1. Go to Manage > Workspace > Categories.
  2. Click + Create in the table toolbar.
  3. In the Create category dialog box that opens, in Overview, fill in the necessary info. Click Next.
  4. In Summary, leave the Modify category after creation selected. Click Next.
  5. In the detailed view screen that opens, in Packages, search for the necessary package and add it.
  6. Double-click the entry of the package to open it.
  7. Go to Entitlements and add the necessary identities. This step makes the category available for the user in the Side Menu of Workspace or Catalog, depending on where you configured the package to be published.

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