Agent Configuration
  • 26 Sep 2023
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Agent Configuration

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Article summary


The agent.xml file allows for configuration of the Liquit agent. Below you will find a complete agent.xml configuration.

The agent.xml is normally found at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Liquit Workspace\Agent\Agent.xml

Custom Server

ServerThis should be the FQDN on which the targeted Liquit Workspace Zone
CustomServerWhen set to true at server side, the FQDN of the Liquit Workspace Server won't be automatically inserted into the agent.exe generated by the Server.False


These settings will allow the device to register itself with Liquit Workspace without requiring a user login. This allows you to manage the device without a user signed in. The user account used to register the agent only requires "Register device" privileges. When using this option, the user doesn't need the "Register device" privilege, while they can still use the agent when installed with this option.

  • 0 User based registration, currently logged on user will be used to register the device with the server.
  • 1 Use specified credentials to register this device with the server.
UsernameWhen Type is set to 1, this username is used to register the device.
PasswordWhen Type is set to 1, this password is used to register the device.


These settings allow you to utilize deployments. Device Register settings needs to be configured with type 1 for the Deployment configuration to work.

EnabledThis element can be either true or false, when set to true Liquit will enable the deployment process on this machine.False
StartIf this element is true the process of deployments is automatically started, meaning that the process will be run the first time userhost is run. When set to false, this process can be manually started by starting: shellapi.exe deployment runTrue
CancelIf this element is true the deployment process can be cancelled.True
EventsIf this element is true, the Liquit events (refresh/ login) can still be executedFalse
ContextDetermine the context in which the deployment should run.
  • User: Required to login before the deployment wizard is shown, a selection can be made before starting deployment.
  • Device: No user login is required and the deployment will automatically begin. Auto start should be enabled. The auto start timer will be ignored, the specified deployment under autostart should match a single deployment.
  • User


    EnabledThis element can be either true or false, when set to true Liquit will automatically start the deployment process; when a corresponding deployment is found as configured in the Deployment element or when only 1 deployment is available for this deviceFalse
    TimerThis element accepts an integer and represents the number of seconds Liquit will wait before automatically starting the deployment.0
    DeploymentProvide the targeted deployment in this element. This can either be the name of the deployment or the ID of the deployment


    The Liquit agent logs events initiated by the Liquit agent.

        <Log Id="agent">
    Log/IdThe Id attribute in the Log element can be either set to agent or userhost and both should be set.
    LevelThis element is used to define the level of logging. Liquit distinguishes between two logging levels:
    • None Nothing will be logged to the log file
    • Critical only critical errors will be logged to the log file.
    • Error Only error and critical errors will be logged to the log file.
    • Warning Only warning, error and critical errors will be logged to the log file.
    • Info Basic information and warning, error and critical errors will be logged to the log file.
    • Debug Detailed information will be logged to the log file about all actions. This can assist in troubleshooting problems.
    PathAn alternate path for the log files can be defined by entering it in the Path value.

    The agent log can typically be found at the following location: %ProgramData%\Liquit Workspace\Agent\Agent.log.
    The userhost log can be found at the following location: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Liquit\UserHost.log.
    UserHost.log / Agent.log
    RotateCountDefines the number of logfiles that will be kept on archive.5
    RotateSizeDefines the limit of logfile size in bytes, when this limit is reached a new logfile will be created and the old file will be archived.1048576


    This element contains configuration for the way Liquit handles files form the content store

    HashIf this element is set to true Liquit will use a hash to check if files in the content store have been changed in comparison to the local content. Unchanged files will not be downloaded.True


    This element controls the login behaviour for the Liquit agent.

    EnabledThis controls whether the user should be prompted for loginTrue
    SSOAccepts either True or False, when this is set to True the Liquit Agent will use the configured Identity Source to facilitate SSO.False
    IdentitySourceDefines the default identity source used to log in the user. Use the name of the identity Source as you defined it within Liquit.
    TimeoutTimeout in seconds after which the Liquit login prompt will be displayed if SSO could not be performed within the timeout.4


    Controls the behaviour of the tray icon.

    EnabledCan be either true or false. If this element is set to False than the tray icon will be hidden from the user.True
    ExitCan be either true or false. If this element is set to False the exit option on the tray icon menu will be disabled. The exit option will always be disabled if the launcher is enabled and is not allowed to close.True


    This element controls settings for Cache.

    EnabledWhen this element is set to True the local cache will persist even after the session ended.True
    OfflineWhen this element is set to True, offline mode will be available for the local device. When this option is disabled, packages marked offline will not be automatically downloaded and the Launcher won't switch to offline mode.True
    PathThe location on the local device where all content used by the agent is cached. Note that this path must be relative to the Liquit directory. By default, this path is configured to: %ProgramData%\Liquit Workspace\Agent\CacheCache
    TempPathTemp directory on the local device, used for uploading folders to the Liquit Workspace backend. On default this path is configured to: %ProgramData%\Liquit Workspace\Agent\Temp.Temp

    Native Icons

    Control whether or not Liquit is allowed to influence windows icons (Start Menu/Desktop).

    EnabledAllow Liquit to push native icons to the operating system that are configured on package entitlements.True
    PrimaryIf this value is true only icons from the zone defined in the Server element within the agent.xml will be pushed.True
    ProgramsPathThe location where the Start Menu items will be displayed; it allows you to specify a different directory than Liquit.${Programs}\\Liquit


    EnabledAllow Liquit to execute events (refresh, login etc.)True
    PrimaryIf this value is true only events will be triggered in the agent (launcher).False


    ManualCan be set to either true or false, this controls whether the user can refresh the workspace by manual action.True
    IntervalThis value represents the time in (seconds) which the workspace will be refreshed (i.e. the latest packages are downloaded).3600


    EnabledIf the launcher should be enabled.True
    StateDefines how the launcher will be shown on startup:
    • 0 Default sized window
    • 1 Minimized window
    • 2 Maximized window
    CloseCan be set to either True or False. Defines whether or not the launcher window can be closed.True
    StartLauncher will automatically be started with the agent.True
    MinimalCan be set to either True or False. When set to true Liquit Workspace will be run in minimal mode (icons only).False
    TilesCan be set to either True or False. When set to True Liquit will use the tile-themed skin.False
    StartConnectedWhen this option is enabled, Launcher or login process will be started when the Liquit Workspace server becomes available on the network after startup. Launcher will be used when Enabled and Start is set to True, Login (only) process will be started when Login\Enabled is set to True, and Launcher\Enabled is set to False. When this option is set to False (Default), Launcher and/or login process will be started at startup even when the server is possibly unavailable.False
    ContextMenuCan be set to either True or False. When set to True the context menu will be available in Liquit.True
    SideMenuThis element controls the default selected Side Menu. The following options are available and note that they are case sensitive:
    • filters
    • tags
    • teams



    If this value of this element is set to true, Liquit will use the locally configured DNS servers to resolve servers before sending out the requests.
    This allows for DNS load balancing to be performed by the agent, if the local device is configured with a proxy server, requests will be seen going to an IP address instead of the DNS name.
    Setting this element to false, will disable the agent from resolving DNS itself and instead let Windows or the configured Proxy server resolve the DNS. Default value is false.



    If this value of this element is set to true, Liquit will validate the zone certificate to ensure its trusted by the local certificate store. By setting this option to false, self-signed certificates which are not trusted by the local certificate store will be accepted as well, this causes a security issue for production environments. Therefore we recommend leaving this option on its default value: true.



    If this value of this element is set to true, this will restrict which zones are allowed to access the local agent. The zone that is specified within the Server option is always allowed to communicate with the agent. If this option is set to False, a warning will be displayed asking the user if the zone where the user navigated to is allowed to access the agent. Default value is false.



    This element allows you to add additionally trusted zones. Each zone DNS entry needs to be added within a separate Server element. Wildcards can be used within the name to trust/match multiple zones within a single domain. This option is used in combination with RestrictServers.

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