Device registration methods
  • 13 Nov 2023
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Device registration methods

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Article Summary

This article details 4 ways in which you can register a device within the Liquit Workspace.
These methods are applicable for devices running the Liquit Universal Agent.

User Account

For this method the user account can be LOCAL or Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD).

  1. Install the Liquit Universal Agent.
  2. Modify the Agent.json file:
    "registration": { 
        "type": "User" 
  1. Log into the Liquit Workspace and navigate to Manage > System > Access policies.
  2. Assign the user an access policy that has the Register device privilege. By default, the predefined User access policy has this permission granted.

When the user logs in for the first time into the Liquit Workspace, his device is automatically registered.

Agent Credentials

  1. Install the Liquit Universal Agent.
  2. Modify the Agent.json file:
    "registration": { 
        "type": "Credentials", 
        "username": "local\\wksimport", 
        "password": "P@ssw0rd" 
  1. Log into the Liquit Workspace and navigate to Manage > Identities > Users.
  2. Create a user with the LOCAL identity source. For example, "username": "local\wksimport" and "password": "P@ssw0rd"
  3. Assign the user an access policy that has the Register device privilege. By default, the predefined User access policy has this permission granted.

The specified credentials will be used to register the device.

Agent Certificate

  1. Place the certificate on the device/user profile before the installation of the Liquit Universal Agent.
  2. Install the Liquit Universal Agent.
  3. Modify the Agent.json file:

Example 1:

In this example, the certificate must be placed in the certificate repository of the Windows/Mac operating system.

    "registration": { 
        "type": "Certificate", 
        "certificateThumbprint": "69f4db57b74e13415cd103323331d95022d840c1" 

Example 2:

In this example, place the AgentRegistration.cer in the %ProgramData%\Liquit\Agent\ folder.

    "registration": { 
        "type": "Certificate" 
  1. Log into the Liquit Workspace and navigate to Manage > System > Device registration.
  2. Create a Certificate type registration.
  3. Create or upload a certificate with a private key

Agent Certificate Enrollment

  1. Place the enrolled certificate on the device/user profile before the installation of the Liquit Universal Agent.
  2. Modify the Agent.json file:
    "registration": {  
        "type": "CertificateEnrollment", 
        "certificateIssuer": "Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA" 
  1. Install the Liquit Universal Agent.
  2. Log into the Liquit Workspace and navigate to Manage > System > Device registration.
  3. Create a Certificate enrollment type registration.
  4. Select an intermediate certificate or the root CA in a certificate chain. It does not need a private key.
  5. (Optional) You can specify an OID, for example to limit the number of valid certificates.

The Agent.json file is by default placed in the Agent folder after an installation. This way, any changes you make to it are automatically picked up by the Agent. In case you decide to place the JSON file in another location, we recommend you restart the Liquit Workspace service after each change of the file so that they are applied.


Agent certificate location

If you choose to certificate the device, the certificate must be placed in:

  • Windows: Local machine certificate store (under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root).
  • macOS: /Library/Keychains/System.keychain

If you choose to certificate a user, the certificate must be placed in:

  • Windows: Current user certificate store (under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER root)
  • macOS: ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db

Agent.json file location

Windows: %ProgramData%\Liquit\Agent\Agent.json
macOS: /Library/Application Support/com.liquit.Agent/Agent.json

Further reading

For a detailed description of the Agent.json device registration parameters, see Agent configuration.
For a detailed description of Device Registration options within Liquit Workspace UI, see Device Registration.

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