Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled tasks are executed at defined intervals and can assist in automating simple tasks.

The following screens are common for all scheduled tasks. The Settings screen has specific elements for each type of connector. See the corresponding connector articles for more information.

Overview screen

This screen provides a few basic options to configure the scheduled task.

Server - This scheduled task is only run on the specified server. If no server is specified, any server can execute the scheduled task.
Allow task to be run on demand - If selected, the scheduled task can be started only manually by an administrator, otherwise it can only be started by a schedule.
If task is already running - Set what the system should do if a task is already running:

  • Do not start a new instance - A new task won't be started when this task is still running.
  • Run a new instance in parallel - Always start a new task, even if this task is still running.
  • Queue a new instance - Queue a new task and run it immediately after the currently running task is finished.

Notifications screen

This screen shows a list of email addresses that receive a notification after the task ran.

For system tasks provided by Liquit Workspace, the notification option will use the mail servers that are defined in the primary zone, if available.

Only send errors and task updates

  • When enabled, a mail notification will be sent only if there is something notable to report, like:
    • The task has failed to run.
    • The task has information to report.
  • When disabled, a mail notification will always be sent after the task ran, regardless of the results.

Schedule screen

This screen is used to create schedules for this task. There are four types of schedules: daily, weekly, monthly and interval.

History screen

This screen shows a list of all the times the task ran.

State - Whether or not the scheduled task was successful or if it is still in progress.
Started by - Which identity was responsible for triggering the scheduled task.
Device - Which server executed the scheduled task.

Auditing screen

View a comprehensive log of changes to this scheduled task, displaying the identity behind each modification.
This screen is available only if the auditing is enabled in the Database Event Collector. For more information, see Auditing.