The Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) identity source allows you to register an application with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) as a mean to authenticate against Liquit Workspace. This way you will leverage your Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) as the single point of entry. See SSO with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) for configuration instructions.
Overview screen
Here you can configure a few basic options for the identity source.
Name - The name of the identity source. In the case of Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD), we recommend you use the same value as the NetBIOS name of the it.
Type - The type of identity source.
Hidden - When an identity source is hidden, it will not appear on the login screen.
Note that the Name and Type cannot be changed once the identity source is created.
Settings screen
It is required you register a new application in the Azure Portal before you can configure the settings for your Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) identity source. Below you find a list of its configurable settings.
Application section
Application ID - The Application ID corresponding to your Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) app registration.
Client secret - The Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) app registration secret.
Use application ID as resource - When selected, the application ID will be used to request access to the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD). Otherwise, the default Azure AD Graph ID will be used.
Use redirect URI - The site to which the authorization server directs the user when the app has been successfully approved and an authorization code or access token has been issued. The redirection URL needs to be encoded to work properly.
OAuth 2 url section
Fetch OAuth 2 url - If you click this button, the system will prefill the authorization, token and logout URI based on a Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) tenant ID.
Authorization URI - The authorization URI provided by the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) app registration. For example:[Tennant ID]/oauth2/authorize
Token URI - The token URI provided by the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) app registration. For example:[Tennant ID]/oauth2/token
Logout URI - The logout URI provided by the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) app registration. For example:[Tennant ID]/oauth2/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri=< redirection URL >
The redirection URI needs to be encoded to work properly.
Domain hint - You can provide Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) login page with a hint to which domain you want to authenticate. If the user has multiple active Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) sessions, and one session is matching the domain hint, then Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) will use that account and will not ask the user to select an account anymore. For example:
Synchronization section
Photos - Select if photos need to be synchronized or not. This option requires settings additional permissions in Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD). See SSO with Azure Active Directory for more information.
Use delta synchronization - When selected, delta synchronization of the Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) will be enabled. This causes an initial full synchronization to be performed, after which only changes are incrementally synchronized per Liquit Workspace server. This reduces the time it takes to fetch all users and groups from Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) after the initial synchronization is completed.
Include groups that are not security enabled - Enable support for groups that are not security enabled within Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD). Like Microsoft 365 groups. This feature requires the Liquit Access Manager license.
Modifications - What kind of modifications are allowed for Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD). Additional permissions are needed for modifying group membership. See SSO with Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) for more information.
Authentication screen
Here you can configure the methods available to authenticate.
Token exchange - Allow the token exchange to be used by third party integrators. For this option you need to insert the Application ID URI which is located in Azure Portal > Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) > App registration > Manage > Expose an API.
For more information, see How to setup your exchange token.
Federated - Allow authentication via federation. For example: Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS).
Form Authentication - Allow the user to login via the Liquit Workspace login page (http/https).
Basic Authentication - Allow basic authentication.
Contacts screen
Enable contacts - If enabled, contacts from this identity source will be used.
Require Email - If enabled, all objects without an email address will be hidden.
Group - Only show members of a certain group.
Show attributes
Choose which attributes to be synchronized to Liquit Workspace.
Authenticator screen
Assign an authenticator to the identity source.
Authenticator - You can select one of the existing authenticators defined in Liquit Workspace.
Prefix - Insert a string to add before the username to form the base distinguished name (DN).
Suffix - Insert a string to add after the username to form the base distinguished name (DN).