Import packages via CSV
  • 01 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Import packages via CSV

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Article Summary


This script will import packages from a simple CSV file. It will use the default PowerShell credential prompt if the username or passwords aren't provided within the script.

Based on the target column, the script will determine whether the package type is "web" or "launch".
Finally, the script will add a snapshot entitled "Imported by PowerShell" to all packages.

Sample script


	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

	[string]$csvFile = ".\input.csv",

	[string]$username = "",

	[string]$password = ""


# Set credentials
if ($username -eq "")
	$credentials = Get-Credential
	$credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force)

# Connect to the {{variable.LiquitWorkspace}}.
$context = Connect-LiquitWorkspace -URI $uri -Credential $credentials;

# Read packages from the CSV file
$apps = Import-Csv $csvFile;

# Loop through the packages
foreach ($app in $apps)

	# Detect a package type
	if ($app.Target.StartsWith("http://", "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase") -or $app.Target.StartsWith("https://", "CurrentCultureIgnoreCase"))
		$type = 'Web'
		$type = 'Launch'

	Write-Host "Importing package with name ""$($app.Name)"" as type ""$type"""

	# Determine Target type.

		# Create a package.
		$package = New-LiquitPackage -Name $app.Name -Type $type  -Offline ($type -eq "Web") -Web ($type -eq "Web")

        # Only throw if the error message was a duplicate entry
		if (($_.Exception).Code -eq "Request_DuplicateResource")

			# Find the package by name.
			$package = Get-LiquitPackage | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $app.Name }			



	# Create a new empty snapshot (if it doesn't exist).
    $snapshot = $package | New-LiquitPackageSnapshot

    $actionSet = $snapshot | New-LiquitActionSet -Type Launch

	# Add a Web package
	if ($type -eq "Web")

		# Add an action.
		$action = $actionSet | New-LiquitAction -Name "Open URL" -Type "openurl" -Settings @{ url = $app.Target; browser = 0 } -Context User -Enabled $true;


		# Add a Filter Set
		$filterSet = $snapshot | New-LiquitFilterSet

		# Add a File Exists Filter
		$filter = $filterSet | New-LiquitFilter -Type "fileexists" -Settings @{path= $app.Target} -Value "true" -Operator Equal 

		# Add an action.
        $action = $actionSet | New-LiquitAction  -Name "Start Process" -Type "processstart"  -Settings @{ name = $app.Target} -Context User -Enabled $true;


	# Publish the package snapshot
	$snapshot | Publish-LiquitPackageSnapshot -Name "Imported by PowerShell" -stage Production



Sample csv file


The content in this sample is not supported by Liquit Workspace. It was contributed by a community member and is published "as is." It seems to have worked for at least one person and might work for you. But please be sure to test, test, test before you do anything drastic with it.

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