Create Smart Icon for website
  • 22 Aug 2024
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Create Smart Icon for website

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Article summary

This article describes how to create a Smart Icon for Whereby using the Liquit Workspace PowerShell Module.


Whereby is a solution for video meetings using a browser only. It has been designed with ease of access in mind.

It doesn't require any logins or downloads to join a conversation. This is because Whereby uses WebRTC. WebRTC is an open framework that enables Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities in the browser. WebRTC is built-in to most modern browsers, but not all browsers support it.

Full browser support is available for Chrome, Firefox and Chrome-based browsers like Opera, Vivaldi or Microsoft Edge. The new Microsoft Edge browser, based on Chromium, isn't listed. But I would not be surprised to see this being added to the list too. Safari is currently in the experimental stage of development, and has limited support.


This Smart Icon contains one Launch action set with only action that launches the Whereby URL using Chrome.

This code is made available as is, without any warranty of any kind. The entire risk of the use or the results of the use of this code remains with the user.

# Import the Liquit Workspace module from its default location

Import-Module "C:Program Files (x86)Liquit WorkspacePowerShell3.0Liquit.Server.PowerShell.dll" -Prefix "Liquit"

# Set up the credentials for the connection to the Liquit Workspace

$liquitZoneUsername = "localadmin"
$liquitZonePassword = Read-Host "Enter Password" -AsSecureString
$liquitCredentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $liquitZoneUsername, $liquitZonePassword
$liquitZone = ""

# Create a connection to the Liquit Workspace
$liquitContext = Connect-LiquitWorkspace -URI $liquitZone -Credential $liquitCredentials

# Create package information
$wherebyIconURL = ""
$wherebyIconPath = "c:tempwhereby.ico"

$packageName = "Whereby"
$packageDisplayName = "Whereby"
$packageDescription = "Whereby"

$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$iconContent = New-LiquitContent -Path $wherebyIconPath

$package = New-LiquitPackage -Name $packageName `
                             -Type "Launch" `
                             -DisplayName $packageDisplayName `
                             -Description $packageDescription `
                             -Priority 100 `
                             -Enabled $true `
                             -Offline $False `
                             -Web $true `
                             -Icon $iconContent 

# Create a new snapshot
$snapshot = New-LiquitPackageSnapshot -Package $package

# Create a new launch action set
$actionset = New-LiquitActionSet -snapshot $snapshot `
                                 -Type Launch `
                                 -name 'Launch' `
                                 -Enabled $true `
                                 -Frequency Always `
                                 -Process StopAtFirstEffectiveAction

# Create the first launch action

$actionset_action1 = New-LiquitAction -ActionSet $actionset `
                                      -Name 'Open Whereby Website' `
                                      -Type 'openurl' `
                                      -Enabled $true `
                                      -IgnoreErrors $false `
                                      -Settings @{ url = ''; browser = 3;} `
                                      -Context User

# Publish the package
Publish-LiquitPackageSnapshot -Snapshot $snapshot -stage Production 

# Set the entitlement
$identity = Get-LiquitIdentity -id "LOCALeveryone"
New-LiquitPackageEntitlement -Package $package -Identity $identity -Publish Workspace

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