Create a category and assign packages to it
  • 20 Nov 2024
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Create a category and assign packages to it

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Article summary

Before creating a category, make sure the desired packages are created.

  1. Go to Manage > Workspace > Categories.
  2. Click enlarge Create in the table toolbar.
  3. In the Create category dialog box that opens, in Overview, fill in the necessary info. Click Next.
  4. In Summary, leave the Modify category after creation selected. Click Next.
  5. In the detailed view screen that opens, in Packages, search for the necessary package and add it.
  6. Double-click the entry of the package to open it.
  7. Go to Entitlements and add the necessary identities. This step makes the category available for the user in the Side Menu of Workspace or Catalog, depending on where you configured the package to be published.

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