Liquit Workspace Server

The following requirements are minimal. We recommend you use monitoring to check if they are sufficient and scale up when needed.

Item Requirements
CPU Single core or more (of a modern CPU)
RAM At least 6 GB
Disk space At least 500 MB for uploaded files.
Windows operating system
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022
.NET Framework 4.8 or higher.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (including Express)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (including Express)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (including Express)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (including Express)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (including Express)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (including Express)
  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database
  • Google Cloud SQL for SQL Server

Azure SQL Database Sizing

Right database sizing is important to ensure optimal performance with Liquit Workspace. Below is a SQL sizing table we drafted and which you can use for your initial setup, to select an initial amount of database transaction units (DTU) for Azure SQL based on the number of users.
This table assumes that the Agent and/or Workspace refresh interval is set to the default value of 30 minutes.

Users Service tier DTU
up to 200 Standard 10
200 - 1000 Standard 20
1000 - 10000 Standard 50
10000 - 20000 Standard 100
20000 - 35000 Standard 200
35000 - 60000 Standard 400
60000 - 75000 Standard 800
75000 - 100000 Premium 1000

As the database sizing table is just a recommendation, you should monitor your SQL database and change the SQL DTU according to your Liquit System needs.

SQL Server Native Client

If you choose to use an Azure SQL database and you want to configure it with an Azure account, you need to install locally the SQL Server Native Client, otherwise this authentication method will not work. See Installing SQL Server Native Client and Configure and manage Microsoft Entra authentication with Azure SQL for more information.