  • 06 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article Summary

View details about the queued, running and finished tasks within the system zone and the current zone.

State - The state of the scheduled tasks' execution:

  • Queued - It is queued and ready to be started by the device.
  • In progress - Is currently in progress. Check Progress column for the current state.
  • Success - It has completed successfully.
  • Failed - It has failed. Click the task to view error details if available.
  • Cancelled - It has been cancelled.
  • Suspended - It has been suspended until another task finishes execution.
  • Continue - It is ready to be continued, because the task has resumed after being previously suspended.

Created at - The date and time when the task was created and queued.
Started by - The user or server that started the task.
Zone - The zone that this task belongs to.
Start time - The date and time when the task started.
Time completed - The date and time the task completed.
Device - The server assigned to run this task.

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