View or edit servers configured for your Liquit System.
This option is visible for:
- administrators with zone level permissions - they have read-only permission regarding the information about the Liquit Workspace Satellite Servers associated with their zone.
- administrators with system level permissions - they have full management rights over all Liquit Workspace Servers and Liquit Workspace Satellite Servers within their zone. To manage servers of another zone, administrators must first connect to that zone.
- the
user (by default), who has system level permissions.
Overview screen
Type - The type of the server, Primary or Satellite.
Maintenance - When enabled, the server starts to run in maintenance mode, meaning that the server will operate as normal for users but will report to the Load Balancing solution that the server is unavailable. During maintenance mode, tasks are not executed.
FQDN - The FQDN of the server.
IP Address - The IP Address of the server.
Version - The version of Liquit Workspace currently running on the server.
URL - This is the URL that is used for content replication.
Content screen
Verify and check the content present in the Liquit Content Store. For a primary server, these statistics reflect the content of all zones that are hosted by the server. For a satellite server, these statistics reflect the content of the current zone, and it can differ based on the configuration of the replication mode, on-demand or synchronized.
Verify content button - Liquit Workspace checks the health of the Liquit Content Store on the selected server and the Information dialog box opens, containing the following details:
- Stale temp files - The number of *.tmp files.
- Stale content files - Files that exist but no longer have a database reference.
- Stale content cache files - Various cache files of content files that no longer exist.
- Unknown files - Files that don't belong to the content repository.
- Missing content files - File does not exist but has a database reference.
- Corrupt files - Corrupt files, with error during the read operation.
- Files with invalid hash - Files that could be tampered and contain malicious content.
- Incomplete files - The length of the content on disk is smaller than in the database.
We recommend you contact the support department if one of the following counts are higher than 0: Missing content files, Corrupt files, Files with invalid hash, Incomplete files.
Statistics updated at - The date/time when these statistics where last updated.
Total - The total number of content entries needed by the server.
Queued - The number of content files that are queued to be downloaded to this server.
Progress - The number of content files currently being downloaded to this server.
Available - The number of content files that are available for use on this server.
Unavailable - The number of content files that failed to download. The server will re-attempt to download them at the next synchronization.
Total size of local content - The total size of local content that is available for use.
Total size of needed content - The total size of local content that is required to be replicated to this server.
Content replication screen
This screen is available only for a satellite server. Here you can configure how content is hosted by the satellite server. Use the Content Access feature to configure agents to use the satellite server for content distribution.
Replication mode - Control how the content should be replicated from a primary server to the satellite.
- Disabled - Files related to the current zone are removed from the satellite server.
- On-demand - Content is downloaded from primary servers to the satellite server when an Agent requests it. When multiple Agents request the same content, the satellite server will download it once and immediately stream it to all the Agents.
- Synchronized - All zone content is replicated periodically. If content is no longer available within the current zone, it is also removed from the satellite server. During synchronization, the on-demand feature is also enabled, giving the highest priority to the agents' requests.
Replication interval (minutes) - The number of minutes after which the content is periodically replicated to the satellite server.
Remove unused content after (days) - The number of days that old/stale material must remain unused before it is deleted from the satellite server.
Storage Settings screen
This screen allows you to override the global storage settings for the current server. For more information, see Storage Settings.
Server Settings screen
This screen allows you to configure a proxy server that routes HTTP requests to the Liquit Workspace Server. For more information, see Server Settings.
Tasks screen
Displays a list of tasks that are queued, in progress, successful or failed for all zones of the current server.
Insights section
Insights screen
This screen displays statistical information about the server, like bandwidth monitoring or tasks counts. It can be a great tool while troubleshooting.
For more information, see Insights.
Auditing screen
View a comprehensive log of changes to this condition set, displaying the identity behind each modification.
This screen is available only if the auditing is enabled in the Database Event Collector. For more information, see Auditing.