  • 06 May 2024
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Article summary



  • Permalink to Credential Store is broken.
  • Production package action sets can be dragged.
  • Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager connector produces error message: "The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties".



  • The filter defined in the User Portal is incorrectly used in Offline mode.



  • Okta connector can be created as push connector which isn’t supported.
  • Action sets order can be changed when applying update from Liquit Setup Store.



  • Workspace connector can give a permission denied error.



  • Add support for Private Network Access RFC for browsers.


  • System Updates sometimes incorrectly reports that no update is queued for a server.
  • Number of purchased licenses are now always shown in license usage report.



  • Action Uploaded RDP file without agent result in wrong file extension.
  • The title of a package is double escaped in an error dialog.



  • Manage zone option will always open the target zone with HTTP.
  • Agent Deployment can fail for some non-latin languages.



  • Update supported platforms for Windows 10 22H2 and Windows 11 22H2.


  • PowerShell cmdlet Get-LiquitScheduledTask isn't working when a monthly schedule is used.
  • Binded certificate to web server can sometimes fail to be removed.
  • Possible to switch primary zone to a disabled zone.
  • Possible to disable primary zone.
  • Possible to disable currently logged on zone.
  • Permissions doesn’t work when assigned to a Azure AD non security group.



  • BI client is updated to the latest version.
  • Reporting dashboard is not available anymore within the launcher, a browser will be opened to display the dashboard.


  • Workspace doesn't load when shortcut names have special symbols in them.
  • Device based deployments could generate a cosmetic 'A deployment is already inprogress.' error message.



  • Optimized license report calculation.


  • Permissions created though 'Create admin' (recover) can't be edited within the destination zone.
  • Save button on 'Storage Settings' doesn't enable after using 'From SAS URI' dialog.



  • PowerShell cmdlets do not support task status continue.
  • Able to access unauthorized zone information when target zone has LOCAL\everyone admin permissions set.



  • ACME client doesn't respect Let's Encrypt rate limits, which can cause errors while requesting new certificates.



  • Added Norwegian bokmål language.
  • Added New-LiquitUser PowerShell cmdlet.


  • 'Create package' under connector resources doesn't respect package permissions.
  • Deployments with other then production stage is not working.
  • PowerShell fails to list identity sources if an Azure AD is configured with write mode set to 'Group Membership'.
  • Unable to create an identity sources though PowerShell.
  • SameSite is set for SID cookie even for non-secure connections.
  • Scrollbars are missing when viewing the catalog in embedded mode.



  • Added the option to generate a report of all licensed users within a zone (located under Manage / Licensing / License usage report).


  • Action Set filters are executed for every action instead once for an action set.
  • Open URL can lose the bookmark portion (after the # character) of a url.



  • Action 'Uninstall package' ignores specified stage and uses 'Production'.
  • The 'Managed' column is always false in the export of packages overview.
  • Long tag names are not correctly wrapped within the workspace.
  • PowerShell module handles a request to stop as error.
  • Context filtering on 'Platform version' with operators 'less than' / 'greater than' gives incorrect results.
  • A JavaScript error could occur when trying to add 'Platform user language' and 'Platform language'.



  • Agent refresh error might occur on the server when user cancels a credential prompt.
  • Entitlement cannot be removed after added within the package creation wizard.
  • Unable to correctly select a variable within the auto complete by mouse.
  • Unable to update server description field.
  • Workspace portal is missing buttons when embedded within an iFrame.
  • Media items could be misaligned within the catalog overview.



  • 'Clean devices' doesn't properly follow configured settings which can result in devices being deleted that are still in use.



  • NTLM (Windows Integrated Authentication) is no longer accepted if no identity source have it enabled.


  • Unable to restore missing Azure Blob file when Shared Authentication Signature is used.
  • Scheduled task Clean Devices can produce a 'Dal_Referenced error'.
  • Scheduled tasks can lose the next run value and stop executing at the planned time.
  • Remembering last open tab on workspace can break by locking other settings.



  • ShellAPI package distribute/install fails when primary shortcut is disabled.
  • Long package names can be displayed wrongly within the workspace.
  • Agent MSI property DEPLOYMENT value 2 updates the Agent.xml incorrectly.
  • Packages with hidden entitlements are shown in latest, trending and popular within the catalog.



  • Improve performance of the SAML 2.0 identity provider.
  • Identity provider static attributes values can now be edited.
  • Improve memory usage of Workspace Server over time.


  • Mail settings test button stuck in disabled mode after changing settings.
  • Packages with a distribution action set and a custom repair action set will trigger reinstall after repair.
  • Native icons option on an entitlement is hidden after switching between publish options for a context.
  • Identity source contacts enabled option is ignored.



  • Removed obsolete HTTP header X-XSS-Protection.
  • Liquit Agent Bootstrapper is out of preview.
  • Agent MSI installer supports a new value '2' for the property DEPLOYMENT, which will enable deployments but doesn't automatically start it.
  • AVD connector creates packages of the type 'AVD' instead of the old 'WVD'.


  • Catalog trending and popular aren't working as expected.
  • Content Security Policy ignores Serverless Direct Access option.
  • Copying managed package results in the new package shortcuts still being marked as managed.
  • Personal packages can't be deleted when the catalog isn't available to the user.
  • Creating connector resources with a name ending with '(x)' generates an error.
  • Removing a newly added member to a team without saving in between results in a stuck confirm dialog.
  • Agent xml configuration option StartConnected is broken.
  • ShellAPI is unable to start a deployment if the UI is not available (system session).
  • Zone license usage included system users on non-primary zones.



  • Added support for Client Info to OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect identity provider.
  • Added support for AVD RD web client to the AVD connector.
  • Server MSI has a new option to not start the Liquit Server service automatically.


  • Certificate dependencies are not always shown.
  • Webserver is not reloaded when an existing certificate is updated that is used by a zone.
  • Additional package shortcuts are not correctly preserved for offline mode.
  • Nonce could be ignored by OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect identity provider.
  • Some CORS headers could be blocked by OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect identity provider.
  • Catalog descriptions are missing white space between paragraphs.



  • NullReferenceException error while trying to refresh a zone license.



  • Package events does not work when primary shortcut is disabled and package is published within user's Workspace.
  • System.IndexOutOfRangeException exception for 3.8 and lower agents during refresh when a package with the NetworkChange event is configured.
  • System.NullReferenceException exception when double clicking on the Liquit tray icon when server is not configured within the agent.xml.
  • Deployments selection screen can show removed deployments when it was seen earlier by the agent.
  • System.NullReferenceException occesionally occurs during an agent refresh in the server log.
  • Browser icons in browser selection list are cut off.
  • Fetching updated OAuth 2 url's aren't seen as changes within the form.
  • Quick search for packages within another entity are misaligned.
  • Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_InsightsData1'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.InsightsData1'. messages in server.log.



  • Newly created identity source might only be functional after Liquit Workspace server restart.



  • Action OpenURL can fail from version 3.9.2608.
  • Workspace will not load in some rare cases for a user.



  • Reduce memory usage.


  • User login and logout events do not work for newly installed agents.



  • Support for the Liquit Agent Bootstrapper.


  • New-LiquitZone and Get-LiquitZone can fail with a 'Value is not of an enumerable type' message.
  • Edit text/ini triggers a JavaScript error when no file is specified.
  • Failed field validation on another dialog tab would show an error instead of receiving the focus.



  • Package action 'INI edit' doesn't recognize keys that have whitespace around them.
  • Package action 'INI edit' can leave duplicated data at the end of the file.
  • 'Install Windows App' is wrongly translated in Dutch as 'Uninstall Windows App'.
  • Unable to edit Identity sources with Token Exchange enabled though PowerShell.
  • Unable to change zone certificate if the current certificate is not from the same zone.
  • Missing translation about no wizards available when creating Setup Store packages.
  • Active apps can be visible when they should not under tags within catalog.
  • Banners disappear after using search function within the catalog.
  • Windows App integration will leave package and bundle files open after usage.
  • Windows 11 is not listed as 'Windows 11, version 21H2' in inventory.



We have improved the end users catalog to allow the end user to more easily navigate what is trending and featured within the organization. Catalog items are displayed sorted on popularity and trends within the Liquit Workspace environment. It is also possible to feature applications on the catalog home screen. Further more packages originating from the Liquit Setup store have been enhanced, with these fields.

Trending and Popular applications

Applications that are used most will now be shown as trending and popular applications, in the end-user’s catalog. The system will automatically manage the lists based on application usage within the organization.

Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022

Liquit Workspace now fully supports Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022. Besides running on these platforms Liquit Workspace is also able to filter on those platform versions.


We have now made it possible to restrict access to service providers or client based on a filter or script.


More information about the device is how, information that ahs been made available includes but is not limited to: Version of the OS, OS processor architecture, primary language of the OS.

Language features

Here is an overview of features based on language of device and/or user.

  • We have created a filter that can be applied to a context based on language of the platform that is installed on the device. This allows administrators to group devices based on OS language.

  • New filters can be used for packages that allow package availability or actions to be filtered out based on the user's configured language of the UI within the OS.

  • A filter is available for packages that allow package availability or actions to be filtered out based on the language of the OS.

  • And new is a filter that can be applied to a context based on the user's configured language of the UI within the OS. This allows administrators to assign packages on a context by user's configured language.

Network change event

It is now possible to use a change within the connected network to trigger an event, this can be useful when for example you need to execute an action when the VPN tunnel is connected.

Agent available filter

A simple filter that allows to check whether the package or the action should only be executed on a device with the agent installed.

Local user session information

Display more information about the local session. The information that has been available is the following; Session ID, Language and the IP address if the user is logged in to a remote session. This information is available in the diagnostics screen for the current user under the User's Local Session page. Administrators can view all local user session information on devices that are logged in to Liquit under the Sessions page.

Force configuration override option for the Agent MSI installation

To help manage Microsoft Intune deployments, we have made it possible to ignore an existing agent configuration. We now offer an optional OVERRIDE_CONFIG option in the Agent MSI installation. When configured, it will automatically ignore any existing Agent.xml from previous installations.

Re-use content in the local content store when creating/updating packages from a connector

Before content is downloaded from the connector Liquit Workspace checks if the content is already present on Content Store. If the content is already present Liquit Workspace will skip the download, which will result in faster creation of packages and smaller bandwidth usage.

Extended support for filtering Windows versions

The list of windows versions that can be used for filtering has ben enhanced. A list of all predefined windows 10 and windows server versions that are publicly available have been added as filter options.

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