
Log file locations


The location of the Liquit Universal Agent log is:

Platform Path
Windows %ProgramData%\Liquit\Agent\Logs\Agent.log
macOS /Library/Logs/com.liquit.Agent/Agent.log


The UserHost process is run per user to execute user actions initiated by the agent service. The location of the UserHost process log is:

Platform Path
Windows %localappdata%\Liquit\UserHost\Logs\UserHost.log
macOS /Users/xxx/Library/Logs/com.liquit.Agent/UserHost.log

Enabling debug logging

In case of troubleshooting, you need to enable the debug logging feature by modifying the Agent.json configuration file. The location of the file is:

Platform Path
Windows %ProgramData%\Liquit\Agent\Agent.json
macOS /Library/Application Support/com.liquit.Agent/Agent.json

Within the Agent.json configuration file, change the level key of the log object from "Info" to “Debug”:

    "level": "Debug"   

Restart the device to activate the debug logging.
After restart, check the Agent.log and UserHost.log files to verify if the log level is set to debug.